Early Education

How does Montessori education work?

Montessori education is about inculcating the thirst of knowledge in the child, developing a sense of order, nurture functional creativity, boost self-confidence and most importantly, bring in a sense of independence. The purpose of Montessori education is generally achieved in two ways in the classroom. The first one is all…

Socialization can Improve all Children’s Development

ECE and Montessori preschool programs with positive center-based socialization can improve all children’s development and act as a protective factor against the future onset of adult disease and disability. To learn more, complete our tour and information request form.

The Practical Life Exercises

Dr. Montessori wrote, “A child’s work is to create the man he will become.  An adult works to perfect the environment but a child works to perfect himself.” Using the child’s natural inclination as a point of departure, Dr. Montessori structured several exercises for the classroom to help the child…

February 2021 Newsletter

The children will be starting a new unit in cultural studies,’Zoology.’ They will begin their studies with the concepts of Vertebrates and Invertebrates, Living and non-Living, classified pictures such as parts of the Fish, Birds, and Mammals. Several work sheets will relate to this theme, also. Sharing Please encourage your…

Congrats to Our Graduates

Our grads move on to elementary school advanced in reading, writing, math, practical life, and social skills. Help your child be his or her best. Enroll now for the 2020 preschool year.

December Newsletter

Calendar These Special Dates December 22 Holiday Party at 11:30 (Minimum day) December 25-29 Christmas Recess (School closed) January 2, 2018 School resumes Our best wishes to you and your family during this special time of the year. The staff and I would like to take this opportunity to say…

May/June Newsletter

I hope that all of you are enjoying this wonderful spring weather! Thanks so much to all of the parents who have helped and showed appreciation for the spring party we had at the school. You are appreciated and the staff and I at Arbor View Montessori School would like…

Montessori Runner

At Arbor View Montessori, there are reasons why school children who attended a Montessori preschool and kindergarten outperform children who attended traditional daycare or preschool. The reasons have to do with understanding the natural psychology of children and how they learn best. An education that focuses on the individual development…

Thanksgiving Gratitude for Parents

Arbor View Montessori wants to extend a special thanks to all the parents who joined us for our Thanksgiving feast. We are thankful for all the great food you provided for our children. Parent’s support and participation make Arbor View Montessori School such a special place for your children to…

Montessori or Public Kindergarten?

Many parents who choose Montessori for their preschoolers want their children to continue Montessori through kindergarten if it is available.  Some parents look upon Montessori as a preschool preparation for public kindergarten.  These parents feel a Montessori school is a place where a very young child can be taken care…