Montessori Education

The Practical Life Activities

Practical Life activities at Arbor View Montessori School develop concentration, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Dr. Montessori wrote, “A child’s work is to create the person he or she will become. An adult works to perfect the environment, but a child works is to perfect his or herself.” Using the child’s natural…

Benefits of the Pouring Activity

Care of the environment, care of the self, grace and courtesy are emphasized in this area. Children take part in everyday activities such as food preparation, sweeping and mopping, tying shoes, and setting a table. Arbor View Montessori preschool helps develop concentration, coordination, and a sense of order. Arbor View…

Math and Montessori

Children learn basic concepts of mathematics in two ways; By using concrete materials during the years when they enjoy manipulating equipment; or by abstract materials when they are in elementary. At Arbor View Montessori, your child will learn the basic concepts of mathematics by using concrete materials during the preschool…

The Montessori Writing Process

The child in a Montessori classroom learns to control a pencil by filling in outlines, an activity which does not weary him or her because he or she enjoys it. To make the outline, he or she uses equipment known as the Metal Insets. Each inset represents a different geometric shape.…

Defining Montessori Preschool Programs

Montessori preschool programs offer parents an alternative to traditional school. Unfortunately, many parents are unaware of Montessori preschools and an even larger number of parents are unaware of Montessori methods and curriculum. Parents need to be more aware of Montessori methods and other teaching and learning strategies which will help…

Word Building

Dr. Montessori always pointed out that the young child has a natural sensitivity for language development which follows closely on the years when he or she learns to speak his or her native language (Montessori, 1966). The child at three, four and five has a unique fascination for words, both…

Sensorial Preparation for Writing

Many of the sensorial exercises are a remote preparation for academic learning. For example, the child who has learned to listen carefully will be able to perceive subtle differences in the sounds of the letters. Of equal importance to language skills are the geometric materials, which help the child to…

Smelling Jars

The Smelling Jars consist of two sets of small jars with removable caps.  These jars are identical in all respects except the flavoring which they contain. One has cinnamon, another mint, another coffee, another cloves, etc.  Each jar has a distinct fragrance. Each jar in the first set has a mate…

The Cylinder Blocks

Indirect preparation for the motor technique of writing begins when the child uses the Cylinder Blocks. These are four oblong blocks of a natural colored wood. Each block contains ten cylinder shaped insets which can be handled by a knob attached to the top. The cylinders vary in graduated differences…

Sensorial Exercises

A young child meets the world around him through the constant use of all his senses. The sensor puts him or her in touch with his or her environment, his or her group and his or her time. Since he or she quite naturally used all his or her powers…