Dr. Maria Montessori was Italian educator and physician, she was the first woman to graduate from the University of Rome in 1896. Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian educator and physician was a pioneer in children’s education and devoting her entire life to develop the same.
Her teaching method is highly respected and accepted across the world. Honored and acknowledged for her work worldwide, her teaching method (The Montessori Method) is admired by parents seeking the best education for their children in the early and important years that are key in forming skills for future success.
The main purpose of Montessori education is to help every child develop and master essential skills. Montessori believed that the ability to master educational skill exists in all children, and once attained, these creative learning skills help the child succeed in learning, not only in school, but also in life.
How does Montessori education work?
The principal purpose of Montessori education is to develop the child’s natural thirst of knowledge, to develop a sense of order, nurture functional creativity, boost self-confidence and importantly, help develop structure, independence and confidence in learning. This purpose of Montessori education is achieved by two goals in the classroom:
The first goal is to allow the child to have a hands-on experience exploring the choices available in the classroom and choosing his or her own curriculum to explore, in order to promote and nurture learning. The second goal is to help your child perfect the art of learning with the help of the natural tools available to the child, so that he or she is able to learn in future situations is greatly enhanced. Not only do we enhance your child’s skills for future success, he or she learns the skills from the specific curriculum taught, helping your child excel in the immediate upcoming years.
Montessori education and the child
Care, love and attention along with a proper learning environment are crucial to help the child learn. After all, children are individuals who differ from each other and must be respected. Proving your child with a fun, safe and conducive learning environment is vital in the Montessori education purpose.
The carefully planned Montessori materials help develop a child’s natural curiosity, which also helps him or her later in life with a continuous learning process even outside the classroom. He or she will have developed an essential natural curiosity from within and a love for knowledge.
Dr. Maria Montessori believed that the purpose of childhood education is not about filling the young child with pre-selected courses, but help the child cultivate his or her own desire to learn naturally.
The child and learning environment provided by Montessori education
The stimulating environment that is provided to your child is planned with care to help develop a solid foundation for future creative learning. The learning activities provided are individualized, so that the learning task appeals to the child. This helps develop a positive attitude towards school.
Another major purpose of Montessori education is to help develop self confidence in the child. The tasks are carefully designed on what that child has already mastered, to help the child take a step forward without the negative experience of numerous failures. Such confidence building activities contribute a lot towards the emotional development of the child along with fostering a permanent curiosity.
The activities provided to the child aid in building the habit of concentration. The learning environment is so well prepared that the child has a series of experiences that help him or her form habits of gradual extended span of attention. The Montessori learning environment surrounds the child with learning activities and appealing materials.
Helping develop habits of persistence and initiative are essential in developing leadership qualities, which is another goal of the Montessori education. Your child will be provided with a social environment that is conducive to his or her unique development. A proper Montessori education helps make the child ready for all his or her future learning processes.